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Patutkah Malaysia Mewajibkan Pendidikan Perubahan Iklim di Sekolah?


Pelaksanaan pendidikan perubahan iklim secara mandatori di sekolah dapat meningkatkan kesedaran generasi muda tentang isu-isu alam sekitar, memastikan mereka lebih bersedia menghadapi cabaran masa depan, dan memupuk tindakan positif serta tanggungjawab sosial. Keberkesanan inisiatif ini bergantung kepada institusi yang kukuh, kerjasama yang efektif, dan sokongan awam. Ini menimbulkan perbincangan tentang Patutkah Malaysia Mewajibkan Pendidikan Perubahan Iklim di Sekolah?

Baca Lagi

Di Malaysia, pendidikan perubahan iklim terutamanya diintegrasikan ke dalam subjek sains, tetapi sering kali kekurangan kedalaman dan aplikasi praktikal, menyebabkan ramai pelajar tiada pemahaman yang kukuh tentang amalan kelestarian.

Sebaliknya, negara seperti Sweden mewajibkan pendidikan kelestarian di seluruh subjek, memastikan pelajar memahami tanggungjawab terhadap alam sekitar sejak awal. Singapura juga telah menekankan kelestarian dalam rangka kerja pendidikan mereka, manakala UK mewajibkan pendidikan perubahan iklim dalam kurikulum nasionalnya.

Contoh-contoh ini menekankan potensi manfaat rangka kerja pendidikan perubahan iklim yang wajib di Malaysia, terutama ketika negara ini menghadapi bencana iklim yang semakin meningkat dan kekurangan pengetahuan serta tindakan di kalangan generasi muda untuk menangani perubahan iklim.

English Version

In Malaysia, climate change education is primarily integrated into environmental science courses, but often lacks depth and practical application, leaving many students without a solid understanding of sustainability practices. 

In contrast, countries like Sweden mandate sustainability education across all subjects, ensuring students are well-versed in environmental stewardship. Singapore has also emphasized sustainability in its educational framework, while the UK requires climate change education in its national curriculum.

These examples underscore the potential benefits of a mandatory climate change education framework in Malaysia, especially as the country faces increasing climate disasters and a significant lack of knowledge and action among younger generations to combat climate change.

Stay tuned for the LIVESTREAM

Hear the youth voice out their opinion in the third session of the Youth Parliamentary Debathon 2024 for the topic of “Should Malaysia Implement Mandatory Climate Change Education in Schools?”

Stay tuned for the LIVE on Malaysiakini and KiniTV Facebook, Twitter & Youtube on 29th August 2024, Thursday, 2.00pm – 4.30pm.

Debathon Updates

Watch all episodes

Should Malaysia Implement Mandatory Climate Change Education in Schools?
Dewan Banquet, Bangunan Sultan Ismail, Kota Iskandar (JOHOR)

LIVE on Malaysiakini and KiniTV Facebook, Twitter & Youtube

Should Malaysia Embrace An Internationally-Aligned Approach To AI Governance?
Topic 2 at UNITAR International University
Should Malaysia Amp Up its Laws Against Financial Scams?
Topic 1 in METAVERSE

What Debaters Say

Through Debathon’s workshop, I learnt how to present my thoughts in a more organised way. Additionally, I gained information on the mechanisms behind debating and how to attract the attention of the audience

Abigail, 18 years old

⁠I am now more brave to put myself out there in public competitions like these! Looking forward to more opportunities to improve myself from KiniEvents’ programs

Farisya NurQistina, 19 years old

By participating in Debathon, it gave me an insight on the levels of policy making in which I have found the right channel to voice out my opinions and ideas to contribute to my civic responsibility as a voter.

Abishek Prasad, 22 years old

The YPD experience gained has definitely proven that awareness about current national and global issues is important as whether or not one is politically inclined, these issues have an impact in our daily lives. As such, the experience gained will motivate me to keep being involved in the nation building process. It will help me continue with my current advocacy efforts on good causes and in creating better awareness amongst the public.

⁠Lisa Amanda, 16 years old

The learnings from the my participation from YPD proven to be immensely valuable in several ways. From bolstering my ability to communicate persuasively, a deep understanding of parliamentary procedures and policy analysis, practical skills acquired, such as crafting press statements and articulating well-reasoned arguments, have already empowered me to effect change within my university and community.

⁠Addisesan, 20 years old

Participating in Youth Parliamentary Debathon had helped me build my confidence in speaking up in front of strangers. Moreover, it helped me improve my speaking skills and articulate my points way better than before.

⁠Yasini, 17 years old

First Metaverse - Parliamentary Debate in Malaysia

Youth Parliamentary Debathon is a parliamentary simulation whereby the youth participants will play the role of a member of parliament, either as the government or the opposition in the discussion of the motions & policies, such as issues related to politics, environmental, education, social, human rights, health, security and economy. The purpose of this program is to encourage more active participation among the youth in the Malaysian political arena.

Youth Parliamentary Debathon has received Malaysia Book of Records for First Metaverse – Parliamentary Debate in Malaysia.


policy makers involved


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For enquiries regarding partnership opportunities, please reach Iman Ridzwan


+6010-434 1152


No. 9, Jalan 51/205A, Off Jalan Tandang,
46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor